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RSS >  New type of (center-)deadzone
aescht #1 24/06/2008 - 08h37

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I'd like to have a new kind of deadzone. When I play ArmA as a soldier I want to have a DZ that centers my view for slight head movements. To realize it with the current software (2.1), I configure DZs for YAW, PITCH and ROLL with the splines properly.
The problem with that approch: When I break out of the initial deadzones, I can look freely around but get stuck on the axes when I cross them, e.g. when I look from topleft to topright to follow a heli, I get stuck on the Y-axis until I overcome the deadzone again. So I only want to have a DZ for pitch, yaw and roll when they ALL are close to 0.0 and not when only a SINGLE one of them is close to 0.0.

I'm going to figure out how to compile freetrack, and play a bit with the idea.
(Btw: the sources are organized with svn, right? So I can simply checkout the project?)

Last but not least... I LOVE freetrack! Thanx Kestrel and all others that made it possible! Just dicovered it 3 days ago and now I have a working 3 point cap  :D )
aescht #2 24/06/2008 - 10h10

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ok... until I figure out to compile this project never writing a line in delphi nor using any borland IDE, I got gray hair.

So I leave the idea as a feature suggestion.


Kestrel #3 25/06/2008 - 03h55

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Axis relative deadzones are a known limitation, centre relative deadzones are on the wishlist but are trickier to implement than they seem when trying to maintain the response curve functionality.
Rajveer #4 19/07/2009 - 22h46

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Don't mean to bring up an old thread but it's better than creating a new one I guess. Just wondering if this is still being considered/worked on? I find with the Wii remote's inaccuracy that a deadzone is vital, but only when looking straight-on for aiming at a target. When looking around the cockpit to track an enemy, the change in slow/fast movement when going in and out of an axis's deadzone can lead to inaccurate tracking :(

If it's not, does anybody else know of a way to overcome this issue?
Edited by Rajveer on 19/07/2009 at 22h49.
mrclean816 #5 22/07/2009 - 00h24

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What I do is set the sensitivity to a setting that I fell comfortable with.
Then I change the curve to linear and give it a small deadzone.  I think adjust the left side of the curve to be closer to the bottom but not completely there.
I find I have great movement with those settings.
It would also benifit to include a smoothing number for each axis of movement.  I have 20-30 is really nice and smooth.

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