I'm very very pleased to have discovered this excellent program and community of people making head tracking affordable and reatively easy.
I do however have a question about FS2004. I'm using the 3 LED cap setup and it works perfect! I just don't have the freedom to move the head up/down and to the sides. I have read somewhere that you can try to place the FSUIPC.dll file in the Modules folder of FS9 (and possibly having to use GlobalSign Root.exe). I also read that possibly a future version of Free-Track will grant this freedom as well.
Is it true to install the FSUIPC file to use the full 6DOF? What are some of the things that you folks know out there?
LOL. I already get nausea with the 4DOF in FS2004 and who knows, 6DOF just may cure me! LOL.