Class : Apprenti
Posts : 3
Registered on : 20/05/2012
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I've been using my Freetrack setup for almost 2 years now. Its fantastic and still works great! However, I built a new computer system and had to reinstall Freetrack and transfer my profiles.
Now each time I start freetrack I have to go set my camera Gain and Exposure. I can't get freetrack to remember the settings at all. Even if I run it in administrator or not. I have tried making different .INI files and profiles READ ONLY, to try to curb the problem but to no avail.
Has anyone a solution for this? I was thinking that if I could find the file that gives default params to freetrack on load, I could rewrite the gain and threshold values on it.
The only other thing I did, was I forgot to backup the CLEYE driver for my PS3 eyecam, so I had to use the latest stable cleye driver for freetrack ( Newer driver versions would cause many crashes.