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RSS >  Need help, LED assembly wizard.
Hopdevil84 #1 28/04/2011 - 21h20

Class : Apprenti
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Hello. I have following components:

MS VX-1000 webcam (brand new)
6x OPTO L53SF4BT    (IR)
3x 61 ohm (1%tolerance), no idea why I got those because I'm still not sure what source to use. Maybe I read colors wrong too.
blue-brown-white-gold - brown.

I understand I need 3 leds and 1 resistor but I got more in case something goes wrong.

I'm still trying to figure which resistor I need to use. I don't know which values to input in LED Assembly wizard.

I understand if I pick USB source that power supply value would be 5V, however I cannot figure forward voltage and forward current of those LEDS.
I would love to hear some opinions on those leds. Will those be fine for my setup? It is IR led and it is 5mm, thats pretty much all I know about it.

One more problem would be how to realize that power through usb, I tried to find some good tutorials but with no luck. Maybe I should pick something else as source but I don't like the idea of switching batteries all the time.

I would really appreciate  some help  :)
dewey1 #2 28/04/2011 - 23h09

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1.3 V typical at 20mA. Absolute max 50mA at 25 deg C.

1.3 x 3 = 3.9V if series circuit.
Assume 5V if USB powered. 5V-3.9V=1.1V drop. Use 30 mA current.

R= 1.1/.03 = 36.7 ohm.
Use a 33 ohm which will be 33mA.
benmeijer #3 29/04/2011 - 07h57

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Hopdevil84 @ 28/04/2011 - 23h20 a dit:

3x 61 ohm (1%tolerance), no idea why I got those because I'm still not sure what source to use. Maybe I read colors wrong too.
blue-brown-white-gold - brown.

One more problem would be how to realize that power through usb, I tried to find some good tutorials but with no luck. Maybe I should pick something else as source but I don't like the idea of switching batteries all the time.

I would really appreciate  some help  :)

About reading the colors of the resistors, see picture (blue resistor / 5 rings)

blue - brown - white - gold - brown   =   6  - 1  -  9  -  0.1  -  1%

= 619 * 0.1 = 61,9 ohm with 1% tolerance

Posted Image

Use 2 resistors (61.9 ohm) parallel to get 31 ohm, what Dewey suggest for about 33mA

or 3 to use the max current (50 mA) of your leds
Posted Image

about power from your PC:

Use USB cable (Gnd and 5v /  Black and Red wires)
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use PSU from your PC have perfect 5V. see picture .... (use Black and Red)
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An other alternative is to use 5V from a keyboard PS2 plug (use pin 3 and 4) if you use an USB keyboard.

Posted Image
Edited by benmeijer on 29/04/2011 at 08h03.
Hopdevil84 #4 03/05/2011 - 15h55

Class : Apprenti
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This might sound stupid but I'm not sure what kind of wire I need to connect those leds and resistors :)

I've read somewhere that you can use UTP cable... it has 8 wires inside...

I appreciate help but I've changed my mind. Without very detailed guide how to use USB I wouldn't try it at all, don't want to dmg usb port or worse, motherboard.

I decided to go for batteries for start, what kind of batteries do I need. Big one? 9v?
Edited by Hopdevil84 on 05/05/2011 at 10h20.
Hopdevil84 #5 06/05/2011 - 17h28

Class : Apprenti
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Ok this is starting to become really frustrating experience.

I decided to go for 9V block battery as a source to avoid any possible damage.
So I visited local shop to get new resistor(s). I asked for 180 Ohm 1/4 W 5% resistor, (as wizard suggested if all values are right).

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They said they didn't have it but gave me the one that was "supposed" to be 200 Ohm or something. When I got home and read the color code it was clear it is 820 Ohm resistor  :angry:

So what are my options now? The closest REAL good shop is like 200km away from this place. I could order online probably but it would be expensive shipping... much more expensive than the product anway.

I suppose 61.9 nad 820 ohm are no use to me if I use 9v battery. Should I go for USB power after all and use 2x 61.9 in parallel?
Edited by Hopdevil84 on 06/05/2011 at 17h29.
dewey1 #6 06/05/2011 - 19h42

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You have 3 of the 61.9 ohm resistors. Three in series is 185.7 ohm,
This will work if you use 9 volt.

Hopdevil84 #7 07/05/2011 - 10h16

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 6
Registered on : 06/04/2010

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thanks a lot dewey

I can confirm LEDs are shining bright, shame my cap point model is pretty bad, I will probably have to make new. Or even clip, that looks kinda better to keep leds centered and in line.
Edited by Hopdevil84 on 07/05/2011 at 17h43.

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