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RSS >  Matlab SDK Errors HELP!!!, Compiling works but function lookups are failing!
smart026 #1 28/05/2010 - 14h49

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 2
Registered on : 13/05/2010

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I have been using the SDK provided for MatLab and have compiled the program. However when I run freetrack.mexw32 I always get the error:

"First call to function...
...loading FreeTrackClient.
Unable to find 'FTReportID' function
??? Error using ==> freetrack
Failed to load FreeTrackClient...Terminating"

How can I solve this problem? I have placed the mexw32 file in the main directory of freetrack so it can find the dll files, but it cannot load the function specified.
tonedog101 #2 04/01/2011 - 04h52

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This might be too late....
But I only encountered the error a few weeks ago myself....

The trick is to replace the line...
reportID = (importReportID)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "FTReportID");

reportID = (importReportID)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "FTReportName");

in the freetrack_mex_interface.c file.
This also causes issues if you're also using the C SDK code, which has the same error.
Edited by tonedog101 on 04/01/2011 at 04h53.
Ezraneut #3 14/02/2012 - 13h58

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 18
Registered on : 06/02/2012

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I am interested in you results of these projects. I am trying to do the same thing; interfacing FreeTrack to Matlab and I managed to compile the C files and run the MEX file.

I can run functions like 'about' and 'provider', but when I run the 'getData' funciton, Matlab crashes and says "MATLAB has encountered an internal problem and needs to close". I wonder if you ever came up to this problem and what you did about it?

[edit: I seems now that, it occures when FreeTrack is running while calling the function. When i close Matlab, close FreeTrack and start Matlab only and run the function, it results in:

"Nothing returned from FTGetData

a =

      yaw: []
    pitch: []
     roll: []
        x: []
        y: []
        z: []
   dataID: []"]

I am also interested in your results.
Edited by Ezraneut on 14/02/2012 at 14h12.

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