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RSS >  Help getting steady  wiimote
ba543 #1 29/01/2010 - 06h51

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 8
Registered on : 28/01/2010

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Hi guys im using wiimote with bluesoleil & fs2004, Im having trouble with the settings in freetrack. now the actual movement & tracking when looking around the cockpit are great, but does anyone have any tips on a steady view while looking straight foward/centre. without pausing.  For me it seems like it bobs around a bit to much while looking straight/forward..
Cheers Guys.. :D
jxjcksn #2 29/01/2010 - 17h53

Class : Apprenti
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Registered on : 30/12/2009

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Sounds like you need to adjust the DEADZONE on your axis.

Click the CURVES tab and then right click.
You should see an option to set the DEADZONE.
You can make this large or small and you can test it to see the effect in Freetrack.   Check also the other options in there to soften out the reaction of your LED's in relation to the amount of Head movement experienced in the game.

Depending on how many DOF you're using, it may mean setting ALL 6 Graphs, or if your like me (playing IL2 just now)  I only have a 1 point cap and only have to set the deadzones on the Rotation Tab in the 2DOF curves called YAW and Pitch.

Good Luck
Hope this helps     :D
Edited by jxjcksn on 29/01/2010 at 17h55.
ba543 #3 30/01/2010 - 03h54

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 8
Registered on : 28/01/2010

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Cheers   Jxjcksn ,,  Yes I forgot about the deadzones there  :wacko: , & Manually adjusting those curves can be like chasing a chicken some times..   So i set all 6  deadzones to small & its much more steady. Now doesnt feel like im in major turbulance when comin into land ..   Thanks.. :D
Edited by ba543 on 30/01/2010 at 03h57.
jxjcksn #4 30/01/2010 - 18h40

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 25
Registered on : 30/12/2009

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Grats   :D  and yeah ... I'm still tweaking about with the curves and settings to try and perfect something that suits my build and unfortunately owing to different hardware and cap/clip builds,  it will differ with each person.

Grats again  :p

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