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RSS >  Ultra Buggy v2.2.
Yammo #1 27/10/2008 - 20h18

Class : Apprenti
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Registered on : 27/10/2008

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I'll try to keep this post as civil as possible... Even if it is hard
considering whomever had his hands into the settings, has managed
to nuke any and everything that worked in 2.1.

Glitch #1
Where as 2.1 correctly showed ALL settings for any "supported" camera,
v2.2 gives me a settings-window of about 200 px by 200 pix,  barely
showing(brightness/contrast/gamma/Hue). By making sure the window is
not re sizable, the programmer has effectively made sure v2.2 is unusable.

Glitch #2
Where as 2.1 read all  settings correctly from the register, 2.2 gives
f**k all about settings and comes up with it's own. It even engages
features I didn't know the camera had. Like the Zoom... (The code for
selecting which pixel looks most interesting must have been written under
the effect of some mushrooms)

Glitch #3
Further more, v2.2 ignores any and all settings I have done to exposure
and happily taunts me with turning on AUTO... which I think everyone
agrees on being the most worthless idea one could possibly think of
using as a "default"-value.

Has NaturalPoint taken over Free-Track?
In any case, thanks for a good program... (speaking of v2.1) For which I
will donate... To anyone thinking of testing v2.2, don't... not until
these issues are dealt with.

Best wishes(for a v2.3), Donation coming.

 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33
 Saitek x52 Standard

 PCCAM(SN9C120) x8
Quarrion #2 28/10/2008 - 01h55

Class : Beta Tester
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works fine for me lol
7ok3r #3 28/10/2008 - 03h57

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It's really buggy for me too.
sorbifer #4 28/10/2008 - 07h49

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Something is really wrong, a bug or something... Personally I have no problems - both camera settings for my old  Logitech QuickCam Express, tracking IR LED points, behavior in game (Il2:1946) are correct, but... there were too many reports to be ignored. I hope that a bugfixing version 2.2.1 will come for them soon...

What more bothers me is the info somewhere here in one thread that a newer version TrackIR drivers and SDK for games developers will use a kind of encrypted protocol. Damn! Might be a blocker for a future FT usage!
boomboomer #5 28/10/2008 - 09h49

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Yammo, for a 'free' piece of software to have a major revision and then have only three bugs is pretty good, almost incredible.

Two of those bugs even have work arounds, until the programmer has some time to fix them, but you can still use 2.1 until then.

You must remember that the 'whomever' who broke 2.2 probably wrote 2.1 and is spending their own time providing you this program - a donation is good but gratitude is equally important. A little beta testing by us all won't hurt.

Personally I set all my system using 2.1 then installed 2.2 and it all works, the auto setting was a little problem until I used the enable button fix.
Yammo #6 28/10/2008 - 11h22

Class : Apprenti
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boomboomer @ 28/10/2008 - 10h49 a dit:

Yammo, for a 'free' piece of software to have a major revision and then have only three bugs is pretty good, almost incredible.

Two of those bugs even have work arounds, until the programmer has some time to fix them, but you can still use 2.1 until then.

You must remember that the 'whomever' who broke 2.2 probably wrote 2.1 and is spending their own time providing you this program - a donation is good but gratitude is equally important. A little beta testing by us all won't hurt.

Personally I set all my system using 2.1 then installed 2.2 and it all works, the auto setting was a little problem until I used the enable button fix.

I know it's free... and as such it is absolutely marvellous. v2.1 has been gorgeous.  But to argue that "only" 3 bugs is ok becomes a bit of a joke when the 3 bugs together make the program unusable.

I'm a programmer myself, and I know the game. Releasing something untested is usually called a BETA version. Had this had the BETA tag, I would have been thrilled at the new features, thinking the bugs will get sorted. But releasing something as "finished", where something working has been broken, gave me the sinking feeling of knowing that this is probably not going to get fixxed... period.

Finally... I very much doubt the same person wrote the code for the settings.

Enough of my rambling...
The initial post was written during my disappointment, and should be seen as such... but you're right... The program seemed great otherwise, so until 2.2.1, I will have to go back to 2.1... :(
DrSnow #7 30/10/2008 - 13h31

Class : Apprenti
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What more bothers me is the info somewhere here in one thread that a newer version TrackIR drivers and SDK for games developers will use a kind of encrypted protocol. Damn! Might be a blocker for a future FT usage!

:blink: What? Where did you get this info? Can this be confirmed from somewhere outside of this forum?

Overall i have been quite happy with 2.2 / ArmA but before mentioned window size problem and auto exposure problems make it feel a little unfinished. I have also a minor problems with jitter, but i think it's mainly caused by my ancient rig. Old is getting a serious beating running ArmA, FT and TS at the same time.  :lol:

Anyway i still hope we get a fix of somekind to these issues soon.



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