Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 31/08/2008
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I searched the forum, but have not found any realted topic.
And the topic is as follows: if I have "FreetrackFilter=" line of Freetrack.ini ended with "SSE2", Freetrack does not work properly (in Il-2), namely there is several seconds delay betwen movement of my real head and the virtual one in cocpit of a plane. The problem is easily solved by replacing "SSE2" with "AUTO" or "MMX". But... Somehow the Freetrack changes itself the line during work, placing there "SSE2"! It's not just my impression, for when I open Freetrack.ini there is "SSE2", even though I edited the file before starting the software.
How can I prevent Freetrack from forcing SSE2 filter in the .ini file?
Or how can I make my PC tolerate SSE2 filter?
Class : Apprenti
Posts : 8
Registered on : 22/09/2008
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Make your changes that work in the freetrack.ini then save it, next right click on the .ini file and go to properties. Then look at the bottom and click "read-only" (without the quotes) and it should stick that way.