Class : Apprenti
Posts : 9
Registered on : 07/07/2008
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Alright, Hello everyone, first time poster.
I really want to figure out how to do this, but I have no clue at all what I am doing. I have never really done anything with electricity outside of high school. I bought three infrared diods, and i have a webcam, but I am unsure what i need to do now. I know i need to get them running, so im guessing i need to hook them up to a 1.5v battery? But what is the saffest, and best way to do that.
Thanks, i know im being vague, but thats all i know.
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Posts : 150
Registered on : 18/04/2008
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With 1 1.5 volt, you'll need to hook them up using a parallel circuit. You will have to add a resistor to EACH led. thats three resistors. to get the resistor values, the home page has and LED wizard that will tell you the values when you plug in you led values. it will also show you a schematic of what the parallel circuit should look like.
The long end of your led's is the positive side. Don't try to use one resistor for all in a parallel circuit, as you will probably burn out your leds.
If you use 4.5 volts, you could use a linear circuit with one resistor hooked up first on the positive leg. I recommend trying that first if you have little experience in circuitry. Its easier, faster, and is a logical first step in familiarity.
After that, you will be more comfortable trying a parallel circuit, which isn't hard to make, but I just think its better to practice with a linear first.
I hope this helps! and have fun!
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