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RSS >  Planning on making my own cap, Some questions.
Kerberos #1 23/07/2008 - 16h06

Class : Apprenti
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Registered on : 23/07/2008

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hey folks,

So after checking out some youtube videos, I got inspire to make my own cap (but I must said that I was close on buying Markus cap  :pinch: ) now here are some questions.


It seems that zaelu had removed the LED's from the camera and used on the cap if so could I do that with this camera?

2) How do you guys powered up the LED?  :blink: (I know noobish question but I have no idea on currits etc.) do you guys know any tutorial that could help me out?

How do you guys connect the wires to the battery or power supply? how does he ( makes the input for the power supply or battery holder?

I think that's it for now..
Thank you for your time.
Edited by Kerberos on 23/07/2008 at 16h08.
marcusw #2 23/07/2008 - 19h58

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You could pm zaelu to get the resistor values he used. But you will have to use the same power supply he used as well, or at least the same voltage I think. If he used batteries, then that would be the best.

The LED's are powered by adding a resistor to the positive side of the led, thats the round side, the negative side will have a flat rim.

I you are using a linear circuit, then one resistor is added before the led's.

If using a parrallel circuit, then one resistor is placed infront of each and every resistor. In other words, if you use three leds then you use three resistors.

You can use a lower voltage for paralellel, but linear is easier for some one new to construct.

The resistor value will NOT be the same for both. There is a led assembly wizard on the main page to help you, and there are tutorials also in the pdf files there.

I hope this helps. ;)

And don't look so sour about  almost buying my caps darnit! lol

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