Class : Apprenti
Posts : 10
Registered on : 09/11/2010
Off line
Understood. So a simple routine that allows for user's times would be sufficient. I suspect that turning it off and on before the error occurs is all that is needed. I don't know enough about batch files, but would this code work?
ECHO Restart Application
ECHO Written by: Jason Faulkner
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
REM Enter the application information.
SET AppName=Application Name
SET ExeFile=FileToLaunch.exe
SET ExePath=C:PathToApplication
REM Select the conditions to kill the application.
REM A value of 1 = Yes, 0 = No
SET KillIfRunning=1
SET KillIfNotResponding=1
SET KillIfUnknownStatus=1
REM Specify when to start the application:
REM 1 = Start only if the process was previous killed.
REM 0 = Start the application regardless.
SET StartOnlyIfKilled=1
SET KillStatus="%TEMP%KillStatus.tmp.txt"
SET Success=0
ECHO Killing existing %AppName% instance...
IF {%KillIfRunning%}=={1} CALL :CheckKillStatus "%ExeFile%" "RUNNING"
IF {%KillIfNotResponding%}=={1} CALL :CheckKillStatus "%ExeFile%" "NOT RESPONDING"
IF {%KillIfUnknownStatus%}=={1} CALL :CheckKillStatus "%ExeFile%" "UNKNOWN"
IF {%StartOnlyIfKilled%}=={1} (
IF {%Success%}=={0} GOTO End
ECHO Restarting %AppName%...
START "%ExeFile%" "%ExePath%%ExeFile%"
IF EXIST %KillStatus% DEL /F /Q %KillStatus%
ECHO Killing with status: %~2
TASKKILL /FI "STATUS eq %~2" /IM "%~1" /F > %KillStatus%
SET /P KillResult= < %KillStatus%
FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%A IN ("%KillResult%") DO (
ECHO %%A:%%B
IF /I {%%A}=={SUCCESS} SET /A Success=%Success%+1