Class : Apprenti
Posts : 3
Registered on : 28/06/2008
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I hope this isn't too dumb of a question. I just found this program - it looks remarkable.
I have a webcam integrated into my laptop, but it will only do auto-exposure, so I need to buy a different one it seems. Many of the more popular webcams seem to have a flat base that would be impossible to sit on the top of my laptop screen. Would Free Track work if I put the webcam directly beside my laptop, or would there be too much of a parallax issue? Do I need to buy a webcam that will hang over the top of my screen instead?
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Does your webcam have a checkbox that is deactivated for auto-exposure? if so you can use a program called enable button that will reactive the check box for you. Then you wouldn't need a new cam.
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Class : Apprenti
Posts : 3
Registered on : 28/06/2008
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It has a check box and slider for it that is unchecked and grayed out, as well as several other sliders that are grayed out, like aperture and focus. I used the enable button program to move them, but they had no effect. I'm guessing they were grayed out because the cam itself is not physically capable of these functions.
I have an old Creative webcam 3/go that might work, but it won't sit on top of my laptop screen. Could I put it on the table immediately to the left of my laptop, or should I figure out some way to jury-rig it so that I can hook or hang it over the lid of my laptop?