Class : Habitué
Posts : 50
Registered on : 07/11/2007
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Because I'm usiong a DV camera, I tend to "Disconnect" it more than others, so I'm probably first to notice,
But when you have a feed running, and it's paused,
if you disconnect/turn off the camera and try to close FT, it states
"Access Violation of Address 401E2003"
Then you hit ok and it goes back to freetrack, thus making the only way of closing it is the task manager.
Changing cameras doesn't work either, the drop down list doesn't drop down.
Class : Webmaster (admin)
Posts : 780
Registered on : 13/07/2007
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Unplugging a webcam while it's tracking doesn't cause problems, a DV camera shouldn't be much different as far as FT is concerned. But you really should stop the video stream before disabling/disconnecting the video hardware.
Class : Habitué
Posts : 50
Registered on : 07/11/2007
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Well i get that it doesn't cause problems as far as the software itself goes, but I'm just saying, I get this more than most, and for some it could be a nuicence, so maybe have a look into having it not *crash* when disconnecting.