Class : Apprenti
Posts : 8
Registered on : 22/04/2008
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What would be the implication of reversing the locations of the LED's and camera, mounting the camera on your head? I think it might be a little easier to put the camera on your head than a 3 LED clip.
Would Freetrack work with that type of setup?
Pat Dotson
Class : Apprenti
Posts : 43
Registered on : 30/11/2007
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it works if you find a way to swap pitch/yaw with the translation axes (moving up/down and left/right). a simple glovepie script can do it.
be warned though, that you will get a very sensitive setup if you don't have a camera with a very field of view (wide angle camera), because otherwise even the smallest movement of the head will move the LED array all the way from one corner to the opposite corner of the camera frame.
Oh, and when i tried it, my tiny little web cam suddenly felt surprisingly heavy, much heavier than my huge stainless steel (bicycle spokes) 4-LED headgear. It's kind of like combining the weight of a battery powered LED array with the cord of a USB powered array, with the difference that you can't put the mass in a convenient location like a battery pack and that you have a much thicker cable.