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RSS >  FreeTrackClient.dll functions
abizan #1 18/09/2011 - 18h48

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 4
Registered on : 16/09/2011

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I've looked through FreeTrackClient.dll file using DLL Export Viewer, and some questions appeared in my head.

1. Who is supposed to use function called FTPutData?

2. What is the purpose of FTReportName? Do I need to call this function each time I load DLL?

P.S. Excuse me if my questions seem silly and my english is not good enough.
Kestrel #2 20/09/2011 - 06h54

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I think you mean FTGetData, since there is no FTPutData. FTGetData is the primary call used to receive the most recent 6DOF head tracking data structure. Calling FTReportName and providing the name of your game is recommended after loading the dll for automatic profile loading purposes.

Client source:

Delphi example:

C example:
FreeTrack directory\SDK\C\
abizan #3 25/09/2011 - 17h54

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 4
Registered on : 16/09/2011

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I researched DLL that comes with FaceTrackNoIR and there is function FTPutData. But there is not FTPutData in yours. So we've figured it out :)

Now I have a new question :)

Is there any way to determine whether FreeTrack server has detected head pose? In other words how to find out (in client) can we trust received data or not?
Edited by abizan on 26/09/2011 at 18h12.
Kestrel #4 04/10/2011 - 12h10

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If FTGetData returns TRUE you can trust the data (at least with FreeTrack software). The DataID in the structure is incremented when new data is available. FreeTrack software retains the last good pose and can be configured to keep updating the DataID as if it is always tracking.

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