Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 10/05/2010
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Hi everyone!
I need some urgent help with turn off my autoexposure settings on StarCam Clip web camera.
In standart properities windows its not possible to change settings so I try to use instruction from free-track web site:
1. Set auto exposure on (default) and exposure value to 0 (or a little higher).
2. Place a bright light source, like a lamp, in the field of view of the camera so that it reaches 30fps.
3. Disable auto exposure with one of the enable button apps.
4. Switch the light off, the camera should still be producing 30fps and will continue to do so while the exposure settings are not changed.
....but I´am doing probably something wrong becouse it didnt work :-(
Can some please write me more detail instructions for this or say me what Iam doing wrong?
My exact step are:
1.Turn on Freetrack and force exposure button, than set auto exposure on and exposure setting to 0
2.Turn on light near camera until I got 30fps
3.Turn on standart properities window for my camera and disable auto exposure with enable button application
4.Switch off the light, turn off window with standart properities window and then window in freetrack