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RSS >  wiimote and freetrack problems
Sharp #1 02/01/2010 - 16h57

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I am trying to use the wiimote with freetrack, i have managed to link the wiimote up with the PC and the wii mote is in the source list in freetrack but that is as far as i have got.

the start button is grayed out the FPS is 000 and so is JPS, batt is 00

what is my next course of action.

Thank you.
jxjcksn #2 12/01/2010 - 02h53

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I'm extremely new to this, but here goes my guesses ....

The reading your getting what I get if my Wii mote is not recognised.. i.e. until connected.

If you can choose Wii as an option in freetrack 2.2 then I would have to presume your Bluetooth software has picked a Wii remote up .... however .... are u sure that it is a compatible Wii remote and do you have the necessary compatible Dongle and software.

Can u fill in some more blanks.

Dongle - Make type
Stack software your using
Brand of Wii remote
Operating system

This information may help you get more of a response as it pads out the possibilities

Edited by jxjcksn on 12/01/2010 at 02h53.
MIK3K #3 16/01/2010 - 00h48

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I would also think it is your bluetooth stack that is not compatible with FreeTrack.

I had a camera working well with FreeTrack and bought the wrong bluetooth dongle that unfortunately did not come with software.  I tried the Win XP drivers and the wiimote was recognized (by windows and FreeTrack) but the start button was greyed out in FreeTrack also.

I downloaded the trial version of bluesoleil and it worked at 100 FPS and 40-70 jitter.  My problem was I did not want to buy for $30.00 the bluesoleil software (used the money towards a TrackIR 4 camera) and it has a 30-day trial period, so I went back to my camera for now until I get the TrackIR.

I did use the wiimote in Rise of Flight, but it needed a lot of tweaking to get it to the point of working as well as I had my camera set up, so I opted to just go back to the camera instead of spending more time and money trying to get the wiimote to work.  My camera is at 30 FPS with zero jitter - I don't know how and to what extent jitter affects the head tracking as it was between 40-70 with the wiimote.
Edited by MIK3K on 16/01/2010 at 00h58.
Burner #4 07/02/2010 - 07h42

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zoom 4322 dongle ($15)  comes with BlueSoleil, works with FreeTrack and Wiimote..add a track clip pro for $35 an your all set..JPS do not matter..just takes a little while to tweak your settings and get used to flying with it.  You'll never go back and it is the best $50 you've ever spent.
jxjcksn #5 20/02/2010 - 02h45

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Sorting my son out with some freetrack and he's running a Dell Quad core computer.  It comes with a built in stack which reflects the EXACT same problems in the 1st post here.

I already tested the dongle and worked no problem with bluesoleil software, only difference is he's running vista and tried with his own stack ... will update this post once he has downloaded Blusoleil free trial and tested it,

theangrygimp #6 28/02/2010 - 12h38

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I'm having the same problem as the original poster. I can use my wiimote with wiiflash, glovepie, and wiipresenter all just fine, but when I try to use it with freetrack the start button is greyed out and regardless of weather I start the program after connecting to the wiimote with any of the other programs, or durring their usage, or before starting any of those other programs even after a full restart and having just connected through the bluetooth wizard while the buttons are still flashing. When it connects though, window sees it through the bluetooth as "Nintendo RVL-CNT-01", and when I check the registry, it puts a new settings folder for it where game controller setups get put. Windows also seems to see it as a game controller/mouse type object, and I'm wondering if windows is supposed to be seeing it as a camera type of device, but I have no clue on that, or about what drivers windows installs automatically when it connects, and if they are different between 32/64 bits, or XP/Vista. I tried to download bluesoleil and it completely messed up windows and I had to restore from a working startup to get back into it. I won't install that program again, and don't see why I would need to when every other wiimote program I download sees the wiimote just fine.
    I don't see how it could be a stack issue when I can play left for dead 2 with it as an air-mouse through glovepie, and if I knew how to code for it I'd try to make up a profile for headtracking in glovepie(would be greatly appreciated if someone did that though!). I'm seeing several people with vista 64 having this issue and I'm wondering if its an issue related to either 64bit versions of vista or driver signing maybe?
    I've tried every scenario that I can think of to get it to work cause I'm dying to have some headtracking, even if only with one led for now. I think that this project is awesome and I always appreciate people who are willing to take their time and do something special for others to enjoy, so thanks programmers! Also, if you guys fix this issue so I can use the program with wiimote, I'll definitely contribute some donations! I'm disabled from my service in the Army, so computer games (specifically FPS's and racing/flying sim's)help keep me from being bored to tears! I don't have a Wii, PS3, or 360, and can't afford to buy many games on my lowly disability (even though I'm dying for a ps3!), and this would help extend the life of a lot of old ones that I have on my PC (my pride and joy :) ).

My setup for comparison is
Vista Premium 64bit
C2D E8400 @3ghz
4gb DDR2 800
single GTX 260 standard with 186.18 drivers (last before they screwed up the res controls)
500gb Sata HD
Nforce 7 series SLI with on-board "HD Audio" 5.1 with newest drivers
I connect through my Logitech MX bluetooth Keyboard/mouse combo's dongle using the standard windows "Add New Bluetooth Device" setup.
I have the latest drivers for everything except my Nvidia ones (which shouldn't be an issue here I wouldn't think)

Hope someone figures this out, and sorry for long post.
theangrygimp #7 01/03/2010 - 10h18

Class : Apprenti
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Actually, I just thought about this: maybe if someone who knows programming, or even the creators of this program, if they have the time, could look into the Glovepie SDK and see how they connect to the wiimotes, and incorporate it into freetrack's code(and rightly, credit them if it does help). I'm pretty sure its open source, and they may even be willing to help!
    I bought the wiimote specifically for freetrack cause I have no webcam, and wanted very low cpu usage headtracking(plus I wanted to play FPS's with it :) )and I am on tight budget as disabled Veteran. Luckily, glovepie works fine with it, and I can even make it vibrate with the "Wiiflash" program and it connects just fine as well. I'm having a lot of fun playing Left for Dead 2 with the wiimote as an airmouse with no led's, but I really want to get this working for rfactor and such as a head tracker (already made my LED holder for my head). I also can get "wiipresenter" to see my LED's, but can't figure out how to get that program to do any kind of head tracking, just for using wiimote as airmouse with 1 LED. Hopefully someone figures this out... Untill then, however, if you were using glovepie, and wondering why your wiimote was kind of freaking out while playing games, try this script. Great also to use your Wiimote as an air mouse with this script, no LED's required for this-

   WiiMotion Plus Mouse                                  v 2010.01.14
   by lednerg

   Emulates the basic functionality of a Gyration Air Mouse.
   Requires GlovePIE version .42 or higher.

   Leave the Wiimote on your desk when starting so it can calibrate.
   Hold B to move, A = Left-Click, + = Right-Click, Down = Middle-Click.

var.MoveButton = wiimote.B
mouse.LeftButton = wiimote.A
mouse.RightButton = wiimote.Plus
mouse.MiddleButton = wiimote.Down

var.Speed = 75   // 0 to 100

PIE.FrameRate = 120hz
if wiimote.HasMotionPlus = false then debug = "WiiMotion Plus NOT DETECTED!"
if wiimote.HasMotionPlus = true and var.MoveButton = true
mouse.CursorPosX = mouse.CursorPosX + wiimote.MotionPlus.YawSpeed / 500000
mouse.CursorPosY = mouse.CursorPosY - wiimote.MotionPlus.PitchSpeed / 500000
if var.MoveButton = false {
  var.MouseX = mouse.DirectInputX
  var.MouseY = mouse.DirectInputY

and of course, make sure you lay the wiimote flat on the table before starting the script so it can calibrate the gyro's/accelerometers, which ever the wiimote has... Its the original script that comes with the latest version of glovepie, but I cut out all the smoothing code, and just pasted in a much simpler, and cpu friendly script I found in the official forum. I didn't make this, so don't credit me, that's why I left the original name and such at the beginning. For some reason, the original script was having all kinds of problems in first person games (I think it was the smoothing code durring high CPU load causing problems), but this one works perfect for me, and I can stand a chance against zombies again. This will at least give those of us having this "grayed out start box" problem some use of the wiimote for other things. Hopefully someone or the creators will figure this out soon, good luck and thanks!
Edited by theangrygimp on 01/03/2010 at 10h30.

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