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WireNut #1 01/05/2009 - 06h44

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 4
Registered on : 01/05/2009

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Greetings everyone,

 I'd like to thank the developers for putting thier time and effort into this wonderful open source alternative to TrackIR.

I have constructed the 3 point clip and modified my webcam. My IR dots are clear as day in the webcam image but the freetrack window remains black.  I tried using the 420 mode but my black screen did not turn red so it seems the camera is not talking with freetrack.

Vista 64bitOS

please help, i'd really like to try this!
WireNut #2 01/05/2009 - 06h44

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 4
Registered on : 01/05/2009

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freetrack has administrator privilages
WireNut #3 01/05/2009 - 20h46

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 4
Registered on : 01/05/2009

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Bummer no replies yet.

Sorry about the last post it had been a long day.

I bought my webcam at walmart for $19.99 Logitech Quickcam

I  <$20 at radio shack for
3 IR LED's
3 Red LED's (in case the webcam didnt see the IR)
#22 solid wire
Toggle Switch(2 pack)
Resister (from tristans LED wizard)
9V battery caps

I had at home
Soldering gun and solder
Mighty Putty
Zip Ties
Electrical Tape

I Constructed my 3 point clip and installed the software for the webcam and freetrack. Tested out the LED array in the webcam the IR was visible but very dim.  At this point i removed the IR filter in the wecam according to the guide here on the website.  Next test i thought i was home free the LED's blaze like the sun, i adjusted the gain settings so i basically have a black screen with the 3 dots clearly visible and very little in the background.  When I start freetrack any settings that i adjust are clearly visible in my webcam program i can adjust gain, exposure, lowlight boost off ect ect. all from freetrack and see the settings take affect in the webcam window.  When i select my Logitech Camera in the drop down however the array tracking box stays totally black, When switched to i420 it remains black no red screen.  Also, my FPS/JPS never read anything they remain blank.

Im semi stumped at the moment, I feel it in my gut that this can be fixed be it a registry thing or something similar, any help would be greatly apprieciated.


-removed my IR filter following the directions here at this website, all went flawlessly
WireNut #4 03/05/2009 - 03h02

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 4
Registered on : 01/05/2009

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Bummer still no replies.
 Note to others, if your exerianceing the same glitch i was black screen with no dot's no nothing but every setting you change in freetrack takes affect in the webcam preview....turn off the preview webcam cannot output to 2 sources at once, totally makes sense now i feel stupid lol.

I filed my LED's down with a dremel to make them Wide angle and i must say everything is working.  Hope this info helps someone else.

Many thanks to everyone who posted info on these forums

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