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RSS >  Access Violation (different one)
Captain Underpants #1 01/04/2009 - 07h55

Class : Apprenti
Posts : 1
Registered on : 01/04/2009

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Hi all,

New member, and new Free Track user here.

I've just finished building my headset, and I'm trying to get the software to work. I'm using a Vista 32bit machine.

When I first installed Free Track (latest version), it all seemed to be working fine. I got it tracking nicely, and the skull moved around happily.

But when I tried it on a game for the first time, things went kinda pearshaped.

The game I tried first was GTR Evolution. It started up, but for some reason it now has no sound (not sure if that's related to Free Track, or just coincidence), and then the Logitech Quick Capture software fired up by itself, and the screen subsequently flicked back and forth between the game and Quick Capture until I killed it. I uninstalled quickcapture and tried again.

Now, Free Track starts up again ok, but when I click on 'Start' I get the following error - "Access violation at address 02B6E5AD in module 'LVUI2.dll'. Read of address 00000000."

The address varies each time, but it's always that .dll. Sometimes I get two errors at once (different addresses), and I can't click on the 'OK' button to clear them. I have to kill it with task manager.

Does anyone have any ideas that might help me?

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