Class : Apprenti
Posts : 25
Registered on : 27/10/2008
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Hi guys, I've been playing around with getting a smooth movement in my driving games.
I'm using a Wii mote and for a long time I've been using average of 20 and smoothing of 100 in the profile and 100 in the global settings.
While in most games this is great its a little jerky in iRacing. Tonight I've played with average of 3 and smoothing of 200 in the profile and 200 in the global settings.
This seems very smooth with only the ocassional jerky motion. I wanted to throw out a question to more experienced users though, is there anything wrong with this setting or is too much smoothing?
Thanks in advance
Class : Habitué
Posts : 63
Registered on : 26/10/2008
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Whatever works best for you is the best setting. Personally I find the settings you posted a bit unresponsive. I stick with:
In profile:
Average 2
Smoothing for each axis 20 (default)
Smoothing for each axis on 100 (default)
If your fps is lower or you have lots of jitter you'd probably want to use more. I get 30fps and 5 jitter. For me these settings are smooth and very responsive.
Also depends on the game. In IL2/Falcon I want to be able to make rapid head movements to keep track of where everything is, which means big fast glance movements. My eyes tend to dart around a lot taking glances at different areas. So for those games responsiveness is important.
In racing games however the range of motion is much smaller. I mostly use freetrack for mirror checks and don't take quick glances over the shoulder as i do in flight sims. So extra smoothness is nice there since it keeps your view a bit steadier and the responsiveness doesnt matter as much.